We had a nice time at party last night. Sumit did not spill anything on the new sweatshirt. :D
Today, After many days, I listened to Guruji's (Sri Sri Ravishankar's) video. He answered a person's question. I too got my answer. He always manages to do that. He answers everything in everyone's mind in his own strange ways.
He said - behind every culprit, there is a victim crying for help. This sentence hits me every time.
Guruji has a keen eye on everything his devotees are doing. He knows everything.
In a winter, few years ago, I felt that my skin is getting dryer and dryer everyday. So i should put soap only on selected parts of the body and did the same.
Next day, he spoke about the same in the Satsang. Some people apply soap only on selected parts of the body.. one day they apply soap on some body parts and then rest of the body is washed on the following days.
I got the slap. But it feels really special when he pays attention to every single detail of your life.
Jai Gurudev,
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